#018: The Three Pillars of Building a Loyal Fan Base

#018: The Three Pillars of Building a Loyal Fanbase

1. Consistency and time

  • We all have a limited amount of time and it can feel

  • overwhelming to have to show up all the time on the many social media platforms

  • Focus on what you can commit to doing consistently

  • Slow and steady growth. Build a strong foundation and avoid the burnout of a rapid overnight rise

2. Authenticity

  • Act as if you’re showing up for one person- this makes it easier and less intimidating, even though you may be showing up for thousands

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously, people gravitate towards people they can trust, and being yourself is a great way to build this trust

  • People don’t only care about what you create. They also care about the person who created it

3. Value

  • Can be entertainment or education

  • Figure out how your brand can provide value to your ideal customer

  • Before you ask for a customer’s money, you need to provide value for free to establish a trust factor. This ties back to the first pillar, consistency. Consistently providing this value will boost customer trust.

  • If it was supposed to be easy, everyone would be doing it.

  • If you feel like you don’t have the time, energy, or bandwidth, I want to challenge you to do at least one thing every week consistently.

  • You don’t have to show up how everyone else is. You need to think about what you can consistently do over a long period of time so that you can build trust and confidence with your community. When they check back, they know that you’ll still be you.


This episode is sponsored by Shopify. I’ve been using Shopify for the past 10 years to run my online business! Sign up through this link to get your first month for just $1 and discover how Shopify can help you manage and grow your online storefront no matter what stage of the game your business is at!


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#019: Developing the Confidence to Sell Your Work Online


#017: Become More Confident and Successful with One Simple Change